Valentine's Day 2006
Thursday, February 16, 2006

5km in the setting sun, a slight breeze, rippling water... what more can a girl ask for? ;) The 5km boardwalk route at MacRitchie was practically deserted. We figured it was either because folks were out walking hand-in-hand at Orchard Road, or they were at home eating tubs of ice-cream and belting sad love songs. It was a great day for a sunset jog. :)
It was a slow, laborious jog, considering our fitness level and the extra weight we're carrying since the half-marathon this past December. We stopped somewhere in the middle to practice our kick-boxing moves, facing the setting sun and rippling water. Good thing the boardwalk held up. :)
Just before we reached the fitness area, we saw an owl swoop down and land 10 metres from where we were. We stared at her and she stared back with her large eyes, framed with white feathers and pointy ears. Owls do have a certain intelligient look about them. This is the first time I'm seeing an owl in the wild, so I wanted to see her head go all the way around. It almost did, too! But she soon got tired of us and flew away.