Did you know that California Fitness has more female members than male? Surprising isn't it? When I go to the YCK gym, it is almost 90% male. One of the reasons suggested for this discrepancy is that a lot of women at California Fitness join for the classes: pilates, yoga, kick-boxing, etc., rather than for the weights. California Fitness is a veritable hothouse of fitness activity. All kinds of gleaming contorted bodies on specialised equipment; running, stepping, stretching, straining... The atomsphere borders on the fanatic -- nothing at all with what I associate with running. But the up side of the gym is that it provides wonderful clean towels, the kind where you want to burrow your face in over and over again, not to mention the soap, shampoo, conditioner and hairdryer. It makes exercising very convenient.
on Monday, July 04, 2005 at 4:47 PM.